"The progressive Southern duo Cunninlynguists' combination of witty lyrics and edgy production has made them a favorite of underground hip-hop fans. Before they teamed up, Deacon the Villain from Kentucky and Kno from Georgia were already well known among the hip-hop underground for both their skills on the mike and their abilities in the producer's chair. Celph Titled, Tonedeff, and Mr. SOS all made guest appearance's on the duo's 2001 debut, Will Rap for Food, which appeared on the small Urban Aces label and soon went out of print.
Rave reviews and Internet message boards helped make the album a rare collector's item until it was reissued in 2005 by the Caroline-associated Freshchest label. Freshchest was also responsible for the Cunninlynguists' sophomore effort, 2003's Southernunderground, which found Mr. SOS joining the group, allowing Kno to switch his focus from rapping to production. Two loose mixtapes featuring a parade of guest stars have also appeared, with Sloppy Seconds, Vol. 1 landing in 2003 and Sloppy Seconds, Vol. 2 following two years later. Mr. SOS had moved on by the time of their third album, Piece of Strange, which arrived in 2006."
Single: Lynguistics
Thanc for introducing me to all these rappers I have never heard of, it's expanded my musical depths. :D
I used to rock this so hard in high school.
thx for info
great song.
They're pretty cool
XDD awesome
they're not bad, liking it. Thanks.
As always, a top pick. You have great taste in hiphop.
i ustu love him before.
Not bad. I'll probably add it to my playlist later.
i like that song
keep it :d
That song is pretty damn catchy.
best song of cunninlynguists
I like the violins, I don't think I've heard rap and string instruments mix before.
fantastic blog man