
Quarters is a pretty damn underground guy. He's only released like 3 songs but somehow has gotten a steady amount of views and people asking for more and more songs. He comes from Brooklyn, New York. There aren't any biographies posted about this guy and he doesn't have any albums out so its pretty rough writing about him. He's a producer, an engineer, and a DJ. He doesn't put too much upon his rapping, he prefers producing.


Single: Lines Hrrpressed

10 Response to "Quarters"

  1. Lepoidim says:

    nice song, gotta listen to his other stuff!

    This is not to bad.

    Gurney says:

    sounds tight

    good song

    SpringyB says:

    This is why I love internet music.

    soundin alright, will have to look further into him

    tigey says:

    OK song, not my type though

    Sugar says:

    great song

    Unknown says:

    Remember stublming across him in high school, good times

    Unknown says:

    Stumbling *

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